Covid-19 Relief Project

BetterShape Fitness was created with the goal to revolutionize online fitness. Our products aim to provide better ways to spend free time at home. Our company hopes to appeal to all ages, from the children, to the grandparents; anyone who is determined to get into better shape.
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During these trying times, it is important that we don't forget the things that keep us together. Although many gyms may be closed or restricted access, BetterShape is designed to mimic the capabilities of a fully loaded gym. With so many muscles available to be exercised using the BetterShape, the possibilities are endless. 
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Our mission doesn't end with providing a product that drastically improves the physical health of the community during quarantine, thats only where it begins. With each purchase, we donate to special needs organizations in the greater Washington D.C. area in need of financial stability during quarantine. 
Please do your part in uplifting the community. If change is to happen, it starts with you. 
Shop now to knock out two birds with one stone!
BetterShape Fitness Team